To commemorate Samvidhan Diwas (Constitution Day), the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs invites all to participate in the Constitution Quiz and Online Reading of the Preamble
Two Web Portals are Operational to ensure Maximum Jan Bhagidari

The Samvidhan Diwas (Constitution Day) is celebrated every year on 26 November to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India besides highlighting and reaffirming the ideals & principles, it upholds and honours and acknowledges the contribution of our Founding Fathers.
To commemorate Samvidhan Diwas (Constitution Day), the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs invites all citizens to participate in the Constitution Quiz and Online Reading of the Preamble. The Ministry has made two web portals operational to ensure Maximum Jan Bhagidari. These web portals are:
- Online reading of the Preamble to the Constitution in 22 Official Languages and English: ;
- Online Quiz on (“Bharat: Loktantra Ki Janani”:
These portals are accessible to everybody and anyone can participate and get a Certificate of participation. The certificates generated may be posted on social media platforms by using #SamvidhanDiwas.
Disclaimer: This is an official press release by Pib.