On the heels of President Bolsonaro’s visit to India, the President of Indian Christian Voice appeals for Justice

January 31, 2020, Mumbai, India–
‘ The First Temptation Of Christ ‘, a Netflix Christmas Special movie produced by the company Porta dos Fundos., which was released last year made millions of people angry all over the world because it shows Jesus Christ in a gay relationship and Mary as a weed-smoker.
Due to this, millions of people around the globe signed a petition demanding its withdrawal and as per the recent verdict from the Supreme Court Brazil, they overturned the High Court ruling banning of this movie.
Following this verdict, Dr Abraham Mathai wrote an open letter to the President of the Supreme Court Judge of Brazil.
In an open letter addressed to the Hon’ble Justice Jose Antonio Dias Toffoli, President of Supreme Court Brazil, Dr Mathai wrote, “It is rather disheartening to note that you have overturned the High Court ruling banning the movie “The First Temptation of Christ” produced by the company Porta dos Fundos. Also shocking to note is that your verdict is based on the justification of free speech implying that the defamation of Christ by portraying Him in a homosexual relationship is acceptable under this provision.”

Dr Mathai also added, “This defies logic in every sense that free speech permits offending the sentiments of the adherents of a faith persuasion notably the Christian community in this particular instance. One is left wondering what rationale you have used in your capacity as the Judge of the Supreme Court to arrive at such a verdict of using the premise of free speech.”
expressed his concern that such verdict has opened the floodgates and has set a
precedent for the deity of Christ to be mocked with impunity.
Dr Mathai also wrote, “Isn’t this a situation where advantage has been taken of the virtues of peace, love and forgiveness exhibited by the Christian community that has led to the overturning of the verdict of the High Court? Belittling and negating Jesus, a person who turned the world right-side up with his exemplary character and impeccable integrity should not be entertained under any circumstances. You will appreciate that the message and teachings of Christ are relevant even today, as evidenced by the billions of followers worldwide who congregate week after week throughout generations in reverential adoration to His holy name. Jesus remains unequalled by any historical figure universally to date that even history itself, in ultimate recognition of Him, is divided into two eras – Before Christ (BC) and After Death (AD Anno Domini – In the year of the Lord).”
Dr Mathai appealed to the Hon’ble Justice Jose Antonio Dias Toffoli and the courts to once again bring this matter to light and ensure that real justice would prevail over instances like this where defamation and degrading an entire religion in the name of creative liberty is honoured over timeless sacred beliefs. Brazil is a largely Catholic nation where the Church has great influence. Dr Mathai fears that if this judgment is not reviewed with sincerity it will go down as the darkest day in the history of the judiciary of Brazil where the defamation triumphed over justice and morality which has offended the sentiments of a peace-loving community worldwide.
In the light of his recent visit here to grace the Republic Day commemoration, Dr Mathai appealed to the President of Brazil. He states that it is prudent and imperative for the President, who has openly opposed homosexuality, to use the executive powers vested in him to overrule this verdict by the parliament in the larger interest of the global Christian community whose sentiments have been grieved.
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