Project BOLD of KVIC gets Army support in Leh

The Project BOLD (Bamboo Oasis on Lands in Drought) of Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has received the Indian Army’s support in Leh. On August 15, Army planted 20 bamboo saplings at its compound in Leh. These 20 saplings of special bamboo species were handed over to the Army by KVIC on 12th August at Jammu for plantation in Leh. This is the first-ever attempt to grow bamboo trees in the high Himalayan terrains with the objective of preventing land degradation and developing green cover.

In continuation with this effort, 1000 bamboo saplings will be planted at village Chuchot in Leh on 18th August. These bamboo plants will be ready for harvest in 3 years. While this will create sustainable income for the local tribal population; it will also contribute to the environment and land protection as envisaged by the Prime Minister.
Dislciamer : This is an official press release by PIB.