Cabinet approves Cadre review of Group “A” General Duty (Executive) Cadre and Non-GD cadre of Indo- Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal of Cadre review of Group “A” General Duty (Executive) Cadre and Non-GD cadre of Indo- Tibetan Border Police (ITBP).The following decisions were taken:
i. The decision of Cadre review of Group ‘A’ GD (Executive) Cadre and Non-GD Cadre of various ranks from Assistant Commandant to Additional Director General to enhance the supervisory staff in Senior Duty posts of ITBP.
ii. Creation of two new Commands (Western Command at Chandigarh and Eastern Command at Guwahati) to be headed by Additional Director General & assisted by Inspector General.
Major Impact:
• After creation of this Group ‘A’ posts in ITBP, the supervisory efficiency and capacity building of the Force would be enhanced. Timely creation of proposed posts in the Cadre Review of Group ’A’ posts in the Force will enhance its supervisory as well as administrative capabilities.
• The proposal is for creation of 60 posts in Group ‘A’ Executive General duty Cadre and 02 posts in Group ‘A’ Non-GD cadre at various levels.
• This proposal is also for Creation of Two new Commands (Western Command at Chandigarh and Eastern Command at Guwahati) to be headed by Additional Director General & assisted by Inspector General.
On the receipt of formal notification/sanction, the newly created posts will be filled up as per the provisions of Recruitment Rules.
Salient Features:
a. GD Cadre
Increase of existing structure of Group ‘A’ posts from 1147 to 1207 posts as under:-
1. Net increase of 02 posts of Additional Director General
2. Net increase of 10 posts of Inspector General
3. Net increase of 10 posts of Deputy Inspector General
4. Net Increase of 13 posts of Commandant
5. Net increase of 16 posts of 21C
6. Net increase of 09 posts of Deputy Commandant.
b. Non- GD Cadre
c. New increase of 02 posts of Inspector General
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force was conceptualized in the wake of the Chinese aggression on our Northern Borders in the year 1962. The Force was raised with Four Servicer Battalions in the first instance. Thereafter, the Force has expanded many folds on need basis by way of re-organization & cadre restructuring in the year 1978 and 1987 respectively.
The first Cadre Review of the Force was held in 1988 and the strength of the Force was increased to 27,298. Subsequently second Cadre Review of the Force was held in 2001 and the strength was increased to 32,386. The present strength of the Force is 89,429.
Presently, there is one post of DG, who is the head of the force and one post of ADG in the Force HQ. There are 10 posts of Inspector General/GD(Executive) cadre authorized in the force. The post of DG & ADG is filled by the IPS officers on deputation, whereas at the rank of Inspector General (IG), 50% posts & at the level of deputation, whereas at the rank of Deputy Inspector General (DIG), 80% posts are filled by promotion of cadre officers.