IMO Award for exceptional bravery at sea to Indian Navy, ICG and Master along with a crew of tugboat Ocean Bliss

In order to internationally recognise extraordinary seamanship skills and outstanding courage displayed by individuals at sea, International Maritime Organization IMO Award Award for exceptional bravery at sea is conferred annually to individuals or groups who, at the risk to their own lives, perform acts of exceptional bravery in attempting to save life at sea or in attempting to prevent or mitigate damage to the marine environment.
This year, the IMO Award council awarded Certificate of Commendation to the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard and Master along with crew members of tugboat Ocean Bliss for exceptional and courageous efforts towards rescue operation of M/T New Diamond, which caught fire and was drifting towards the coast, laden with inflammable cargo. The rescue team members of the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard and the master and crew of tugboat Ocean Bliss carried out sustained and effective firefighting operations and skilfully towed the vessel away from the coast, thereby preventing loss of life at sea and averting a serious marine pollution incident.
Disclaimer : This is an official press release by PIB.