Kamdhenu Deepawali 2021 campaign launched

Kamdhenu Deepawali campaign launched to promote Cow Entrepreneurship and Cow based Panchgavya products
Kadhenu Deepawali 2021 campaign was launched to manufacture and market more than 100 Crore Cow dung-based Deepak lamps and Laxmi-Ganesh Idols. Dr. Vallabhbhai Kathiria, former Cabinet Minister and former Chairman of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog organized a National Webinar with his team launching Kamdhenu Deepawali. Fisheries & Animal Husbandry Minister Shri Purushottam Rupala participated in the event joined by Cow Entrepreneurs and Cow lovers across India. Meeting, Webinars, and Training programs for Kamdhenu Deepawali also got started in every State.
Kamdhenu Deepawali is to make Cows be economically useful by proper economic use of Cow Dung and Cow Urine too along with its Milk, Curd, Ghee. More than 300 items are getting made now byPanchgavya from Cow. This includes Deepawali items too like – Deepak, Lamps, Candles, Sambrani cup, Havansamagri, Dhoopbatti, incense sticks, Hardboard, Wall piece, Laxmi-Ganesh idols, etc made up of Cow dung.
Special Cow dung basedlamps are being made for Kamdhenu Deepawali
The Gomaya lamps made by Cow Entrepreneurs and Cow owners will save the environment by providing eco-friendly alternatives to chemical-based Chinese lights. Last year Crores of Cow dung Deepak, lamps were manufactured across India. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog provided training along with many Volunteer organizations across India. This gave rise to a large number of Cow dung-based Start-Ups. This time the campaign is committed to taking the initiative to higher levels. Cow Entrepreneurs across India will get benefitted from this campaign. This Eco-friendly campaign will also help Gaushalas to become Self Sustainable. This will empower the Prime Minister’s vision of ‘StartUp India’, ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’ too.
Dr. Vallabhbhai Kathiria told that we have generated interest of farmers, unemployed, Self Help Groups, Youth, and Women entrepreneurs in Cow dung-based Start-Ups through various National campaigns. The result is visible through so many Start-Ups of Panchgavya products. Shri Neeraj Chowdhary, a young Entrepreneur from Uttarakhand demonstrated in the webinar how to make Cow dung-based lamps and Laxmi Ganesh idols within a minute. He also exhibited a wide range of Cow dung-based products. He presented the Nameplate of Cabinet Minister ParshottamRupala Ji which was made up of Cow dung. He also talked about the training program that his organization is providing for Cow dung-based products.
Government will provide full support to Kamdhenu Deepawali, Each Gaushala should be made Self Sustainable -Shri ParshottamRupala

Shri Parshottam Rupala motivated all the Cow Entrepreneurs and Gaushala owners present in the webinar. He appreciated the initiatives of Dr. Vallbhbhai Kathiria and his team for Cow welfare and Cow Entrepreneurship activities across India. Shri Rupala informed that he is planning to promote Cow dung-made logs in place of wooden logs during death rites. He informed that Ministry is working on adding Cows in every Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) across India and making them a Demonstration unit as well as a Training center for Cow Entrepreneurship. Shri Rupala also suggested that the way we promote Khadi products around Gandhi Jayanti, in the same way, we should come up with a designated day around Deepawali when all should be encouraged to buy Gomaya products across India.
Shri Ajit Prasad Mahapatra, convenor in All India GauSeva activities encouraged everyone to start using Panchgavya products made up of Cows in some form in our daily life and in every moment of Celebration. He suggested the opening of Gaushalas in Jails where products should be made using Panchgavya from Cows.
Cow based economy and Cow centric social culture will make India ‘Vishwa Guru’, Let us promote ‘Vocal for Local’ and ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’ campaign through Cow Entrepreneurship – Dr. Valabhbhai Kathiria
The Webinar was anchored by Shri Pureesh Kumar who chanted Surabhi Mantra while starting the event. Shri Mittal Khetani, Member, Animal Welfare Board welcomed all participants and introduced dignitaries in the webinar. Shri Girishbhai Shah demanded the removal of GST on Cow-based products. Shri Tushar Srivastava talked about training for Kamdhenu Deepawali and class 8th student, little Anika talked about her participation in last year Kamdhenu Deepawali and how she will encourage any student getting associated with this campaign this year. The Webinar was concluded by Shri Amitabh Bhatnagar.