The Business Development Units (BDUs) formed at Headquarters as well as Divisional levels are continuously interacting with the freight customers for transporting freight traffic in different corners of the country and abroad.
The BDUs are working hard for best possible customers relations, implementing feedback from the freight customers and acting as a catalytic agents for better freight business.
1) BDU of Howrah Division started the movement of first ever container rakes from Sainthia to Haldia port for export of rice to African countries on 03.10.2020. This enables the local product to reach global market.
2) Due to persistent and proactive marketing by BDUs, Asansol, Container Corporation of India Limited transported rice from Durgapur to West African ports of Contonou (Benin) and Lome (Togo) via Haldia port on 30.09.2020.
3) Due to active endeavour and persistent role, Howrah Division succeeded in loading 512 tonnes of rice in Barddhaman Goods Shed on 25.9.2020 to be transported to Jirania (Agartala). This endeavour proves the proactiveness of BDU, Howrah Division like that of Asansol Division.
The BDUs as created both at the Headquarters level and at the Divisional levels are operated throughout Eastern Railway and they are leaving no stone unturned for attracting new traffic and increasing the rail share in the existing stream of traffic. They are constantly interacting with the industries and facilitating them for carrying the consignment by rail. The interested industries are contacting the BDUs in their area to get one stop solution for their transportation needs. The BDUs, both at zonal and Divisional levels are meeting with the industries at regular interval to capture new traffic and exploring new traffic initiatives. Basic objective of all these is to brought ease in transportation of freight traffic through rail.