Through a graded, pre-emptive and pro-active approach, Government of India is taking several steps along with the States/UTs for prevention, containment and management of COVID-19. These are being regularly reviewed and monitored at the highest level.
The number of cases under active medical supervision is 89,987. So far, a total of 71,105 people have been cured. In the last 24 hours, 3,414 patients were found cured. This takes the total recovery rate to 42.89%.
For all authentic & updated information on COVID-19 related technical issues, guidelines & advisories please regularly visit: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/ and @MoHFW_INDIA .
Technical queries related to COVID-19 may be sent to [email protected] and other queries on [email protected] and @CovidIndiaSeva .
In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free). List of helpline numbers of States/UTs on COVID-19 is also available at https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/coronvavirushelplinenumber.pdf .