Distance education school: An authentic platform to get admission to prominent distance education institutes

The Distance Education School is working as a link between prestigious universities and candidates looking for better distance education.
Everyone is aware of the value of a graduation degree, be it a student in school or a working professional. In today’s world, a candidate with a higher education degree has more chances of getting prosperous career opportunities in comparison to a candidate without a degree. Therefore, getting a graduation degree is a must for everyone if you are looking to have a better employment prospect.
A large number of students opt for a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Also, after the introduction of advanced technologies, most students are opting for online degree courses. So, there are many institutes in the country that offer distance education degree courses to the students.
When it comes to pursuing distance education courses, the reputation of the colleges or institutes plays an important role. But, distance colleges, being in large numbers, make students uncertain in choosing a suitable and authentic college for them. As a result, Distance Education School helps students and working professionals select an authentic college to pursue a distance graduation course.
DES Follows ‘Advanced Pedagogy’
The Distance Education School is working as a link between prestigious universities and candidates looking for better distance education for undergraduate and postgraduate courses. DES came into existence in 2012 and now it is a novel learning platform functioning under the School of Online and Distance Education (SODE) Counseling Services LLP. Since its establishment, Distance Education School has constantly helped a large number of students to get admission to prestigious distance education colleges and have better career prospects in the future.
Students and working professionals looking forward to pursuing a graduate degree from a reputable college should visit the DES portal. So, Distance Education School offers free counseling to students to get enrolled in a college and pursue a course as per their educational background. Also, the DES only refers to those colleges that are recognized by the UGC-DEB to offer distance education courses.
Apart from that, Distance Education School saves students from wasting their time and energy looking for a suitable distance college for them. Hence, on the DES platform, students and working professionals can apply to pursue a plethora of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in distance mode. Moreover, the best part about the Distance Education School’s platform is that it does not ask for any kind of charge for the services it offers to the students.
Technology-driven admission process
Ms. Divya Srivastava, HR Director, Distance Education School, said in a statement, “Ever since the DES came into existence, we have been devoted to helping students as well as working professionals in their bid to choose the best universities and courses as they plan their higher education courses. I could proudly announce that Distance Education School has been transforming the lives of thousands of students by providing them with the opportunity to enroll in prestigious distance education colleges to complete their graduate degrees, so they can have thriving careers.”
Distance Education School has been working to help use the true potential of the candidates who come into contact with it through its state-of-the-art e-learning programs. A large number of alumni have also admitted that DES is an authentic learning platform that assists students in receiving 100% assistance and flexibility in selecting their professional graduate program and gaining admission to prestigious distance universities.
The Distance Education School (DES) also provides the facility of a tech-aided admission process for candidates that allows students to get enrolled in UGC-DEB approved distance education institutes. The technology-based admission process consists of several procedures, from the first step of online registration to the next step of counselling by the experts, and then helping students choose universities that are suitable for them. In addition, the last step consists of aiding students in the online fee submission process. Students that have used the services of the DES over the years accept that the facilities offered by DES are so useful and immensely convenient.
Distance Education School has been known for its services and authenticity for a long time now. Also, during the COVID-19 pandemic surge, a large number of students came to the DES portal to get admission to distance universities and pursue online degree courses. Before COVID-19, there were about 20 face-to-face counselling sessions with the experts. However, after the pandemic, the number of face-to-face counselling sessions increased. So, now, about 500 online sessions are being done every day on this platform.
To this date, more than 10,000 students have used the services of the DES to get enrolled in prestigious distance colleges. These online universities offer a wide range of study materials such as online study resources, assignments, pdfs, e-books, and others.
For more information visit distanceeducationschool.com or visit the social media handles: Instagram (@onlinedistanceeducationschool); Facebook (@officialdistanceeducationschool); LinkedIn ; Youtube ; Twitter (@distance_school); and Pinterest (@deducationschool).