Dr Subhas Sarkar presents the 5th National Award for Innovations and Good Practices in Educational Administration

Minister for State for Education Dr Subhas Sarkar presented the 5th National Award for Innovations and Good Practices in Educational Administration virtually. The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) has instituted National Award for Innovations and Good Practices in Educational Administration for District and Block Level Education Officers. The fifth award presentation function was organised by NIEPA virtually today.
The National Award or Certificate of Appreciation were presented to the selected District and Block level education officers from 29 states/ UTs of the country. This year, more than a hundred officers received an Award or Certificate of Appreciation.
Speaking on the occasion Shri Subhas Sarkar said that District Education Officers are the key link between the system-level administration and the field level educational administration. Their role is important in ensuring effective implementation of policies and programmes and efficient delivery of educational services, he added. Shri Sarkar highlighted the importance of the role of the Block Level Education Officers as they are the actual implementing agencies at the field level. He further said that the success of any programme and desired results are contingent upon the district and sub-district level of educational administration. An efficient officer at these levels can make difference.
The Minister was happy to learn that the officers working at the field level have adopted innovative ideas and strategies for making difference in the mode of educational delivery. He informed that these officers have taken initiative to adopt innovative strategies to overcome some of the problems and challenges to improve the delivery mechanism. Their innovative ideas and strategies have resulted in positive outcomes, he added.
He further stated that the government is committed to ensuring equitable quality education and this commitment is also explicitly mentioned in the NEP 2020.
The Scheme National Award for Innovation in Educational Administration for District and Block Level Education Officers was launched by NIEPA in 2014 with an aim to encourage innovations and good practices in educational administration at the grassroots level for improving the functioning of the public system of education.
The main objective of this programme is to recognise innovative ideas and practices adopted by the district and block level education officers for effective management of the educational administrative system at the district and block levels and ensuring institutional development and performance at the school level. The educational officers at the field level are also an essential link between system-level administration and institutional level management of education. The role of these officers is crucial in the process of implementation of policies and programmes at the field level.
Some of the major areas wherein the officers have initiated many interventions include – the use of ICT to the extent of digital classrooms, use of Facebook and WhatsApp; mobilisation of physical, human and financial resources; improving infrastructure facilities within the schools, community mobilisation and support; skill building, especially language skills; capacity building of the teachers and interventions related to enhancement in the quality of the overall function of the schools. Since the performance of students in public examination is one of the key indicators of the performance of schools and quality of teaching-learning in schools, a variety of initiatives is taken by the district and block level education officers, besides the initiatives by their respective states.
Disclaimer : This is an official press release by PIB.