Telecom Secretary Shri Anshu Prakash inaugurates a training program on 5G and Cyber Security

In consonance with Digital India Initiatives and to create awareness among officers of various ministries and departments of Central Government about ways and means to leverage the power of 5G and to develop a culture of cyber security, National Telecommunications Institute for Policy Research, Innovation, and Training (NTIPRIT), the capacity building arm of Department of Telecommunications, Government of India organized a one-day training program on ‘5G and Cyber Security on 27th August 2021 for senior officers of the Government of India. The Training program was inaugurated by Secretary (Telecom), Department of Telecommunication Shri Anshu Prakash.
Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary Telecom, in his address, emphasized the importance of 5G as it will impact all sectors immensely. He further stressed the importance of learning the basic aspects of the 5G & Cyber Security by all and lauded the initiative taken by NTIPRIT, the apex training institution under DOT, for organizing the one-day training program in this regard. He also urged all the participants to further spread the awareness within their departments with the knowledge gained in today’s program.
Shri Deepak Chaturvedi, Member Services, DOT also spoke on the occasion describing the role of 5G in various Government initiatives. Shri UK Srivastava, Sr DDG of NTIPRIT earlier welcomed all the participants and briefed them about the role being played by NTIPRIT in supporting the objectives of the government through training and capacity building initiatives.
The Programme was attended by over 65 participants of the level of Joint Secretary and above level officers from more than 25 Central Government Ministries. The officers were trained in Cyber security and 5G & its use cases in various sectors of the economy which they can apply while working for policymaking in their respective sectors.
dislciamer : this is an official press release by pib.