President’s Message on the Eve of Gandhi Jayanti

The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind has issued the following message to the nation on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti.
In his message, the President has said, “On the occasion of the 152nd anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, I pay tributes to him on behalf of a grateful nation.
Gandhiji is especially known around the world for his non-violent movement and his birth anniversary is celebrated as Non-violence Day. Gandhiji believed that non-violence is a philosophy, a principle, and an experience that can be made the basis for the betterment of society. He made strenuous efforts for attaining Swaraj, removing untouchability, eradicating social evils, improving the economic condition of our farmers, and women empowerment.

Gandhi Jayanti is a special day for all Indians. This is an occasion for us to remember Gandhiji’s struggles and sacrifice. This occasion inspires us to resolve to work for the prosperity and development of our fellow citizens and country.
Let us take a pledge that we will continue to strive for making India, a country of his dreams while adhering to his teachings, ideals, and values”.
Click here to see President’s Speech in Hindi
Dislciamer : This is an official press release by PIB.