PM congratulates PM of Portugal, Mr. António Costa and his Partido Socialista, on winning Portugal general election

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has congratulated Prime Minister of Portugal, Mr. António Costa and his Partido Socialista, on winning Portugal general election. Prime Minister of Portugal Mr. António Costa also thanked Shri Narendra Modi in return.
“Congratulations to Partido Socialista and my friend, Mr. António Costa for the good performance in the parliamentary elections in Portugal. Looking forward to continuing working together to further enhance India-Portugal friendship.”, the Prime Minister said.

Congratulations to @psocialista and my friend, @antoniocostapm for the good performance in the parliamentary elections in Portugal. Looking forward to continuing working together to further enhance India-Portugal friendship.
28.4K4:36 PM – Oct 7, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy3,765 people are talking about this

Parabéns ao @psocialista e ao meu amigo @antoniocostapm pelo bom resultado obtido nas eleições legislativas em Portugal. Mantenho a expectativa de trabalharmos, em conjunto, em prol de aprofundar ainda mais os laços de amizade Índia-Portugal.
16.1K6:25 PM – Oct 7, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy2,593 people are talking about this