Autism is not a disease but a neurobehavioral disorder – Dr A M Reddy

It is caused primarily due to immune disturbances during the pregnancy, and the treatment could be approached with immune correction in the patient
Extensive research has been undertaken over the years towards finding the best cure for autism. And at the forefront of it all is Dr A M Reddy, of the Hyderabad-based Dr. AM Reddy Autism Centre, stressing that autism is not a disease but a neurobehavioral disorder, Dr A M Reddy tells Sanjeev Ramachandran, of Digpu News, in an interview, that the treatment could be approached with immune correction in the patient.
Dr Reddy, it’s really an honour to know that your extensive research and work in finding cure for disorders such as autism and ADHD in children have brought you the UK Parliament’s award. How would you elaborate on your work in the field of treating Autism and other such disorders afflicting children?
Autism is not a disease; it’s a neurobehavioral disorder. It is caused primarily due to immune disturbances during pregnancy due to various reasons. The treatment could be approached with immune correction in the patient. Deep case-taking analysis plays a key role in selecting medicine as it discovers the crucial root cause of the disease. Each and every root cause can be treated with Homeopathic Immunotherapy and the treatment may differ from person to person even though with the same root cause as it’s a constitutional mode of medicine.
It demands a proficient and knowledgeable expert to approach, diagnose and allot the appropriate medicine accurately.
You have been doing exemplary work in the field of disorders in children, thereby arriving at effective healthcare delivery among the kids. What prompted you in looking at child disorders as your chosen arena in healthcare?
About a decade ago, I saw the suffering of mothers with autistic kids. That moment propelled me with the motivation to bring a change in the healthcare delivery of neurobehavioral disorders. On that day, I took up a challenge to bring happiness to the suffering kids and their mothers. I extensively researched neurobehavioral issues like Autism, ADHD, Hyperactivity, etc. Now I succeeded in watching that happiness with the help of Homeopathic Immunotherapy Treatment.
Dr. AM Reddy Autism Centre in Hyderabad today stands tall as the foremost institution that parents of children with disorders like autism can look up to for the treatment of their kids. How would you like to describe your journey towards achieving such a landmark?
It was a stepping stone in my career where I got a glimpse of Homeopathic Immunotherapy’s application and scope in treating neurobehavioral disorders, which were once thought to be untreatable. It was a journey with thousands of kids with neurobehavioral disorders.
Most of the time, the treatment works wonders. But some cases were hard to treat because of several factors like the severity of the disorder and lack of treatment at an optimal effective age for Immunotherapy. When it comes to treatment efficacy, the age factor plays a major role in it. The earlier, the better to start the Immunotherapy treatment for the best results possible.
Over 300 skilled doctors and more than 150 million happy customers may be seen as the brand ambassadors of your exemplary work in treating autism and such disorders in children. Could you tell us more on how you have been able to prove to the world that autism, ADHD, ASD and the like can be effectively treated under your care?
Autism, ADHD, Hyperactivity, etc., neurobehavioral disorders are currently one of the most prevailing global healthcare challenges. These are popularly known to be untreatable.
When people find our novel treatment working wonders in treating the so-called ‘untreatable’ disorders, no one needs to convince or prove to them that our treatment is ‘effective enough’. As the results speak for themselves, word of mouth helped boost the popularity of our Homeopathic Immunotherapy.
Along with our World Class Doctors, we are ready to take up the challenge to eliminate these disorders with the right will & power of Homeopathic Immunotherapy.
Location: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA, UK
(Left) Dr AM Reddy (Right) Virendra Kumar Sharma (MP- Ealing Southall, UK)
You have famously stated that “Autism is not a disease; it’s just a disorder”. However, the world still believes autism is a disease that remains incurable and untreatable. How have you been able to convince your patients and well as their parents on that front?
The disease is a condition of the body where you can notice pathological and physiological disturbances. Mostly, diseases arise due to parasitic infections, and corrosive lifestyle. These tend to be affected by genetic or hereditary factors.
In neurobehavioral disorders like autism, ADHD, hyperactivity, etc., the pathological and physiological conditions of the patient are absolutely normal, but have other behavioural abnormalities like nervous restlessness, being hyperactive, etc.
Autism occurs due to deep immune disturbances due to various factors (root causes) in the mother during pregnancy. With Immunotherapy, abnormal behaviour can be controlled and corrected.
With Homeopathy being the stream of treatment and healthcare you have been practicing, was it easy to ensure that this alternate stream of medicine can do wonders where much-lauded streams like Allopathy have found themselves lacking? What were the challenges you have faced?
Allopathy medicines are known to be instant-effective for treating diseases necessary during emergency situations. They work with forcible suppression of illness’s symptoms. But in the long run, they compromise safety because of the possible side effects and adverse drug reactions.
On the other hand, Homeopathic Immunotherapy acts on the body’s immune system and helps in the correction of immunity. In homeopathy, we’re trying to improve the health condition of a patient’s immune system to treat all health issues.
Dr. Reddy, you have successfully ensured that the path-breaking Homeopathic Immunotherapy treatment you have adopted in treating autism in kids stands out as the best in the arena of current-age homeopathy. Could you please elaborate on the processes and the challenges?
The first step is the detection of a pinpointed and accurate root cause. The process of treatment begins with a 30-minute in-depth case-taking analysis. This is essential in determining the root cause of a disorder.
The determined root cause plays a crucial role in the correct remedy selection. The medicine is selected based on a constitutional approach to treatment.
Philanthropy is an aspect of your giving back to society, and that too in a big way. Recently, you had been lauded for providing 2 million Corona Immune Booster doses to people at the time of the pandemic. We would like to learn more from you on your philanthropic pursuits.
I’m a highly motivated social enthusiast with active volunteering in welfare activities, health awareness campaigns, etc. To help raise health awareness in society, my company has conducted over 2000+ TV shows, with me alone conducting over 400+ of them.
As recent as last month, under one of my companies, ‘Positive Dental’, I’ve sponsored and participated in a 5K marathon at JNTU Hyderabad.
I believe in the famous saying, “You get what you give!”.
You have been more active in the south of India. Do you have plans to offer your treatment procedures to the needy in other parts of India too in the near future. Please elaborate.
Yes. My ultimate objective is to make safe and affordable healthcare available all over India. We’re expanding to other counties too with the US, the UK, and UAE (Dubai) currently on our bucket list. I will lead and expand my company to elevate the potential reach of our healthcare services into society.
You have been recently honoured with an international award. We are sure that you have been awarded with many a laurel in the past too. Could you take us through these honours that have come your way earlier too?
The awards I have received so far are: 2008 – Forbes Iconic Achievers Award; 2011 – Best Doctor Award; 2021 – International Fame Award; and 2021 – National Achievers Award.
Homeopathy is a better option while pregnancy to avoid Autism – Dr. AM Reddy at Forbes Iconic Awards
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Dr AM Reddy was honoured with the Forbes Iconic Achievers Award in 2021