Eastern Railway To Run Emu Special Trains During Gangasagar Mela
To clear the rush of pilgrims during Gangasagar Mela-2021, Eastern Railway will run 12 Galloping EMU Mela Special trains between 12 & 17 January 2021
from Sealdah South/Kolkata/ Lakshmikantapur/Namkhana /Kakdwip. Besides, 03 regular local trains in the section will be extended during the mela period. Among 12 EMU Mela special, 03 trains will leave from Sealdah South, 02 trains from Kolkata station, 05 trains from Namkhana, 01 train from Lakshmikantapur and 01 train from Kakdwip.
These Mela Special trains will leave Sealdah South at 6.15 hrs., 14.40 hrs., 16.24 hrs., from Kolkata station at 7.35 hrs. & 21.30 hrs and in return direction from Namkhana at 9.10 hrs, 11.18 hrs, 18.35 hrs, 19.05 hrs & 02.05 hrs, from Kakdwip at 14.40 hrs and from Lakshmikantapur at 23.15 hrs.
On 14.01.2021, the Kolkata-Namkhana Down Galloping EMU special leaving Kolkata at 07:35 hrs will reschedule and leave from Sealdah(South) at 08:45 hrs.
On 17.01.2021 (Sunday), EMU trains in Lakshmikantapur-Namkhana- Lakshmikantapur section will run as weekdays service.
The Galloping Mela Special trains will stop at Ballygunj, Sonarpur, Baruipur, Lakshmikantapur, Nischindapur & Kakdwip stations.