New achievement of loading by most wagons on one day this year by South East Central Railway

South East Central Railway Maintenance not only record the change in the event of a disaster by the initiates were rather too fast infrastructure work completed
Koronakal In the South East Central Railway has not only fulfilled its responsibilities towards the country but also to increase its income by supplying essential commodities to meet the needs of the country and continuous supply of coal in power stations.
South East Central Railway, with the combined efforts of its dedicated railwaymen, is steadfastly facing the challenges of the Coronacal and retaining the title and tradition of being one of the highest loading boards.

Was dated February 24, 2021, the SECR went achieved a new milestone of loading most wagons a day in the financial year | On 24 February, goods were loaded using 10023 wagons in a single day.
The items loaded during this period include coal, clinker, iron ore, cement, steel, food grains, chemical fertilizers, mineral oil and raw materials for steel factories, etc. Among them, coal, clinker, food grains, chemical fertilizers and iron ore have been the most loaded.
Mr Gautam Banerjee, General Manager , South East Central Railway, has congratulated all its employees and officers for this achievement and encouraged them for better work.