How To Score Higher In ICSE 2021 Boards With 6 Easy Tips?

Oswaal Books is sharing some useful tips for the preparations of ICSE 2021 Exams that would certainly help students to score higher marks in their Board Exams.
The world faced an unprecedented problem this year. Initially, no one expected the Coronavirus to disrupt life to such a huge extent. Whole of cities and countries shut down, and deserted streets and offices became the ‘new normal’. Schools that lit up with laughter and buzz of students every morning went quite for months. As everything came to a standstill, confusion and concern about the future kept growing.
Now finally things are getting better and some relief is coming from many places. The ICSE Board has also reduced syllabus for 2021 exams as a relief measure for students. So, while preparing for your final exams, it is important to get the latest study material that is based on the Reduced Syllabus. To help students prepare quickly and with ease, Oswaal Books has published new ICSE BOOKS after incorporating all the latest changes mentioned by the ICSE Board.
Let’s look at some tips that will help you score more in ICSE 2021 finals:
- Stay Updated – Keeping abreast with the new modifications in syllabus and exam patterns will help you save time and effort. Make sure you have the latest versions of all ICSE books. Oswaal ICSE Question Banks are strictly based on the “Latest and Reduced” syllabus for 2021 exams. They include all questions of Board Specimen Papers. These can help you stay focused on what’s important.
- Strategize – The pandemic has left students with less time to prepare for finals. But you can work smartly. Divide the syllabus into small portions. Assign each day to 3 to 4 portions. For more complicated topics, taking up a whole day for one or two topics is also fine. Oswaal ICSE Question Banks already have Chapter-wise and Topic-wise distribution so it is easy to tackle your syllabus with a systematic and planned study pattern.
- Get an In-depth Understanding – Due to limited access to teachers and tuitions this year, students have been confused about many topics and are looking for clarity on their subjects. To ensure this, Oswaal Books has come up with innovative exercises like Mind Maps in all ICSE Books which help to grasp and memorise facts and figures with ease.
- Practice – A thorough practice is possible even at home! Get your hands-on solved question papers of Previous Years’ ICSE Board Exams and Sample Papers with Oswaal Books. Also get ICSE Question Banks to work on your weak subjects. Refer to the Topper’s Handwritten Answer Sheets of 2019 exams. Oswaal Sample Papers for ICSE Board will be available soon.
- Quality Over Quantity – While writing exams, the right answer will win you more marks than a long answer. Get answering tips and examiners’ comments with Oswaal Books. These ICSE books also allow you to refer the ICSE Marking Scheme from 2014-2019 to understand the weightage of questions and the format of answers to follow.
- Take Breaks – Don’t overburden yourself. Take breaks every couple of hours. Studying constantly will exhaust your brain. It is important to recharge with recreation for proper learning.
As access to classrooms and teachers reduced, more and more students found a constant learning partner in Oswaal Books. So, while the pandemic restricted movement, it became important for us to ensure that at least learning didn’t stop even when children were locked in their homes. And that’s exactly what we did. Get ready to ace your exams this year with Oswaal Books. They are the first choice of all ICSE students. To buy them, click here:
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