CSIR-CMERI- Stepping towards a Shining North-East

Dr. Atanu Saha, Director, North-East Council, had an elaborate discussion regarding CSIR-CMERI developed Technologies and their possibilities to be deployed in Meghalaya
CSIR-CMERI exhibited its Technologies in the ‘Conclave and Techno-Fair on Transforming Meghalaya State through Science and Technology Interventions’ organized by the North East Centre For Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR), an autonomous body DST, Govt. of India at the State Convention Centre, Shillong, Meghalaya during the period 9th-10th April 2021.

The technologies exhibited by CSIR-CMERI at the Conclave are the Ginger-Turmeric Processing Technologies, Municipal Solid Waste Management, Solar Tree and Artifacts, Complete Water Purification Technologies (Arsenic-Iron-Fluoride) & solutions, Effluent Treatment Plant, Hybrid Mini-Grid among others.
Shri M.S. Rao, IAS, Chief Secretary of Meghalaya, visited the CSIR-CMERI exhibit & expressed a lot of interest in the CSIR-CMERITechnologies especially the Ginger-Turmeric Processing unit, Solar-based Hybrid Mini-Grid& municipal waste management.

Shri Rao showed his interest to explore avenues for roping in CSIR-CMERI technologies for empowering Meghalaya and making it Sustainable. Shri Sanjib Dhar, Joint Secretary, Ri-Bhoi Farmers Union, Meghalaya shared their enthusiasm and amazement at the CSIR-CMERI Ginger-Turmeric Processing Technologies.
They expressed their intent to visit CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur to understand more about the Sustainable Ecological Concepts and Farming Technological Advancements of CSIR-CMERI and help disseminate the same amongst the farming community of Meghalaya. Director, National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya, and his team discussed with officials of CSIR-CMERI for exploring opportunities for an MoU signing regarding the Implementation of CSIR-CMERI Technologies in Meghalaya, Incubation of Start-Ups, Skill Development and Research Collaboration.

Dr. Atanu Saha, Director, North-East Council, had an elaborate discussion regarding CSIR-CMERI developed Technologies and their possibilities to be deployed in Meghalaya in cooperation with the respective state governments in North-East. Dr. Saha requested CSIR-CMERI to send detailed technical proposals to the Director, North-East Council for exploring avenues for implementation of the same in the North-East.