PM’s remarks at video inauguration of bilateral projects during the official visit of PM of Bangladesh

Your excellency, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,
Sabaaike Sharodeeyo Shubhechha!
I am happy that for the opportunity to inaugurate three more bilateral projects with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Ji. In the past one year, we have launched 9 projects through video links. Adding the three projects of today, we have launched a dozen joint projects in a year. I congratulate the officials and citizens of both countries on this achievement.
Today’s three projects are in three different areas: – LPG import, vocational training and social facility. But the purpose of all three is the same. And that is – to improve the lives of our citizens. This is also the main principle of India-Bangladesh relations. The basis of the India-Bangladesh partnership is that our friendship ensures the development of every citizen of ours.
The supply of bulk LPG from Bangladesh will benefit both countries. This will also increase exports, income and employment in Bangladesh. Reduction of 1500 km transportation distance will also result in economic benefits and reduced damage to the environment. The second project- Bangladesh-India Professional Skill Development Institute will prepare skilled manpower and technicians for the industrial development of Bangladesh.
Last but not the least, the project of Vivekananda Bhavan at the Ramakrishna Mission in Dhaka, which takes inspiration from the lives of two great human beings, Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda who have indelible influence on our societies and values.
Like the generosity and open spirit of Bangla culture, this mission also has a place for followers of all sects. And this mission celebrates the festival of every sect with equal fervor and vigor. The building has arrangements for accommodation of more than 100 university students and research scholars.
India prioritizes its partnership with Bangladesh. We are proud that India-Bangladesh relationship is a great example of cooperation between two friendly neighbors. I am glad that our interaction today will give more energy to our relationship.
Jai Hind! Jai Bangla! Jai Bharat-Bangla Bandhutva!
Thank you.

Remarks by PM @narendramodi at the joint remote inauguration of 3 bilateral projects in Bangladesh- “मुझे खुशी है कि Prime Minister शेख हसीना जी के साथ तीन और bilateral projects का उद्घाटन करने का मौका मुझे मिला है”1,9781:24 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy420 people are talking about this

पिछले एक साल में, हमने वीडियो लिंक से 9 projects को लान्च किया।आज के तीन projects को जोड़कर एक साल में हमने एक दर्जन joint projects लांच किए हैं।: PM3,1271:25 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy553 people are talking about this

आज की ये तीन परियोजनाएं तीन अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में हैं:— LPG import, vocational training और social facility: PM1,6401:25 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy329 people are talking about this

बांग्लादेश से bulk LPG की supply दोनों देशों को फायदा पहुंचाएगी। इससे बांग्लादेश में exports, income और employment भी बढ़ेगा। ट्रॉन्सपोर्टेशन दूरी पंद्रह सौ किमी. कम हो जाने से आर्थिक लाभ भी होगा और पर्यावरण को भी नुकसान कम होगा।: PM3,2801:26 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy588 people are talking about this

दूसरा project- Bangladesh-India Professional Skill Development Institute, बांग्लादेश के औद्योगिक विकास के लिए कुशल मैनपावर और टेक्निशियन तैयार करेगा।: PM1,4541:26 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy304 people are talking about this

ढाका के रामकृष्ण मिशन में विवेकानंद भवन का project, जो दो महामानवों के ज़ीवन से प्ररेणा लेता है।हमारे समाजों और मूल्यों पर स्वामी रामकृष्ण और स्वामी विवेकानंद का अमिट प्रभाव है।: PM2,2201:27 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy415 people are talking about this

मुझे खुशी है कि हमारी आज की बातचीत से हमारे संबंधों को और भी ऊर्जा मिलेगी।: PM7,2311:28 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy922 people are talking about this

Benefits to the common man at the core of our relations
PM @narendramodi & Bangladesh PM #SheikhHasina jointly inaugurated 3 projects which will directly improve the lives of both our people
2,4822:49 PM – Oct 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy385 people are talking about this