Teemage Precast Builders In Tamil Nadu

Teemage Sets New World Record by Constructing a Hospital in 45 Days
Tamil Nadu, Not Many People know that the recently constructed building for the Government Erode Medical College and Hospitals in Erode District, Tamil Nadu was completed in just 45 days using precast concrete technology, the construction commenced on May 18 and Completed on July 1 2021. Despite the pandemic situation and lockdown, the district administration has permitted the contractor to continue the construction, as the building would come in handy if there is a third wave of COVID in India.
The project was executed by Tirupur based Teemage Builders with 156 employees at the site and 370 at the factory adhering to all the COVID-19 precautions. The Building was contracted to Teemage Builders Private Limited by Rotary Health Care Trust, Tamil Nadu and in turn, it is handed over to the Government of Tamil Nadu for a Social Cause. Teemage Builders has also contributed a sum of Rs.1 crore for this project as a Corporate Social Responsibility during this pandemic. The Construction was done using Precast shear wall concrete technology were in, the Wall panels, beams, staircases and concrete blocks were manufactured at the factory environment and it was assembled at the construction site. Wall panels and concrete blocks were connected using grouting process as per global precast technology standards.
The sheer size of the hospital building is 69200.0056 square feet and the speed at which the completion of the permanent building structure helped to find a place in Elite World Records, Asian Records Academy (UAE), India Records Academy and Tamilan Book of Records as a world record in the category “Largest Hospital Building Constructed by Precast Concrete Technology” which was completed in 45 calendar days.

Teemage one of the pioneer contractors in India specialized in precast technology has constructed this hospital which has two blocks that are connected to each other, is equipped with 401 inpatient beds, out of which 201 have oxygen facilities and the rest 200 beds are housed as the general ward.
Precast Concrete Technology is growing in popularity because of the spiraling construction and labour costs, constantly fluctuating prices of building raw materials in all means. A growing number of contractors are opting for the precast technology to save money and time. Teemage Builders bagged a lot of appreciation for completing the hospital building in the shortest period of 45 days with all global standards and norms.

A.Pranesh Babu, Project Director, Teemage stated “we thank Government of Tamil Nadu, and Rotary Health Care Trust for choosing us and giving us an opportunity to serve the community in this pandemic”, he further stated that “we would like to dedicate this project to all the COVID Warriors who has dedicated themselves to serve people and also who have sacrificed their life for the people.
Jawahar Karthikeyan, Asia Pacific Ambassador and Senior Adjudicator for Elite World Records stated “the world record title chosen by Teemage is something unique and need of the hour, I have personally witnessed the permanent infrastructure and carried away by the perfection and the quality of construction in a span of 45 days”, he further added Elite World Records is proud to confer world record title to Teemage for their achievement.
Dr.A.K.Senthil Kumar, Ambassador and Senior Adjudicator, Asian Records Academy stated “Teemage has adhered all the standards for construction and adhered to our guidelines to qualify this project as a world record and we appreciate their efforts”.
This project has set an example and created history in precast technology in India, said P.Jeganathan, Associate Editor of India Records Academy.