Secretary Dr Himanshu Pathak inaugurated the 3-day Kisan Mela on 22nd January 2024 in Anand, Gujarat
More than 2000 farmers of which half were woman farmers participated in Kisan Mela

Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR Dr Himanshu Pathak inaugurated the Kisan Mela on 22nd January 2024 in Anand, Gujarat. ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research (ICAR-DMAPR), Anand, Gujarat organized a 3-Day KISAN MELA, Herbal Expo, Farmers Training cum Exposure visit during January 22-24, 2024.
In his inaugural speech, Dr Himanshu Pathak said that the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) would be one of the best options for doubling farmers’ income because MAPs play a vital role in ensuring the primary health care of humans despite the progress in the modern medical and pharmaceutical industry.
He emphasized that herbs-based industry is growing fast in the country, and as a result, there is an increased demand for medicinal and aromatic plants. Farmers can adopt the technologies, and varieties developed by ICAR-DMAPR to increase the productivity and quality of medicinal plants. He appreciated the huge presence of more than 2000 farmers in the Kisan Mela and congratulated the Directorate for organizing the Mela successfully.
Dr. Manish Das, Director, ICAR-DMAPR briefed about the Kisan Mela and research activities and the importance of technologies developed by the directorate which have been promoted through demonstrations and training programs for the benefit of farmers.

During the Kisan Mela, two MoUs were signed with M/s Vasu Research Centre and Healthcare, Vadodara and a tripartite MoU with St. Xaviers College (SXCA)-Loyola Centre of Research and Development–Xavier Research Foundation (LCRD-XRF), Ahmedabad were signed. A total of 30 exhibition stalls from ICAR institutes, SAUs, KVK and herbal industries were exhibited in this kisan mela for three days i.e. 22-24, January 2024. During this 3-Day Mela more than 2000 farmers of which half were women farmers participated. More than 500 schoolchildren also visited the Kisan Mela. Three best stall Awards were also given out of 30 stalls.
Training programmes on different aspects of production, protection, improvement, conservation and post-harvest management in MAPs were also conducted during the mela. An exposure visit was also arranged for the farmers on 24th January where live cultivation and conservation of MAPs were shown. Farmers from states like Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Bihar, Jharkhand and Gujarat participated in the Mela. A special event of Drone demonstration was also organized for the benefit of the farmers. In the event, three farmers one each from Maharashtra, Bihar and Gujarat were felicitated. There were about 5000 visitors during the 3-Day mela.
Vice Chancellor, Anand Agricultural University, Anand Dr K. B. Kathiria and ADG (FVSM), ICAR Dr. Sudhakar Pandey were Guest of Honors on this occasion. They briefed about the importance of MAPs and elaborated on how it would help the farmers in the long term to double their income. QRT Chairman, ICAR-DMAPR, Anand Prof. N.C Gautam and ADG (NASF), ICAR Dr Jitendra Kumar who were special guests highlighted the role of MAPs and their conservation for cultivation by the farmers.
Dignitaries urged farmers to remain connected with ICAR-DMAPR to reap the benefits of cultivation, processing, trading and marketing of the medicinal plants. Further they added that the Medicinal and aromatic plants should be co-cultivated with traditional crops to enhance farmers’ income.
Disclaimer: This is an official press release by Pib.