NLCIL Completes Permanent Diversion of Paravanar River Course
To Safeguard Habitats as well as Agricultural Fields from Inundation

The long pending and vital work of permanent diversion of the Paravanar River course has been completed yesterday, i.e., 21st August 2023. The major portion of 10.5 kms out of the total 12 kms had already been completed and from 26th July 2023, NLCIL took up the pending portion of 1.5 kms.
The temporary alignment of the Paravanar River course is just 60 meters away from Mine-2 cut face. This Paravanar River has to handle stormwater from the catchment area of more than 100 sq. kms from the northwest and southern areas. As several villages are involved in this area, it has become of paramount importance to safeguard the habitats as well as agricultural fields from inundation during incessant and heavy rains.
Additional Agricultural Lands of Several Acres to Get Water for Irrigation
Taking the accountability and responsibility of safeguarding the villages around mines, NLCIL took up the critical task of providing an adequate and permanent waterway through the work of permanent diversion of Paravanar.
The approximate area involved in the permanent diversion of Paravanar for a total length of 12 kms is 18 hectares. Already, several acres of land is being irrigated with the Paravanar river water being let out by NLCIL mines throughout the year. With the commissioning of the present Paravanar permanent river course, an additional extent of agricultural lands will now get water for irrigation for several acres. Also, the continuous source of water in the Paravanar River will help to augment groundwater availability.
Disclaimer: This is an official press release by Pib.