PIET awarded with 5-star rating by Ministry of Human Resource Development Innovation Cell and AICTE

This recognition is testimony to PIET’s continuing efforts to nurture innovation.
- PIET received the prestigious 5-star rating from MHRD innovation cell and AICTE
- PIET was chosen to be among the top 125 institutions in the country as per guidelines of MHRD innovation cell
- PIET is in a select category of 125 Institutions in the country that has been awarded the 5 Star Rating
Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET) has been chosen as one of the leading institutions which are driving innovation in India – PIET has received the prestigious 5-star rating from MHRD innovation cell and AICTE based on Institution Innovation Council (IIC) 2.0 recommendations. The performance results were announced by Honorable Minister of Education Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on 16th October 2020
MHRD and AICTE constituted INNOVATION COUNCIL in 2018. In these two years, they have conducted thousands of activities for institutes who have Institution Innovation Cell in their campus. There is a proper marking scheme through which they recognize institute in ratings.
PIET is in a select category of 125 Institutions in the country that has been awarded the 5 Star Rating. The institute has deep commitment towards enhancing their student’s skillset and making them ultra-ready for the world of innovation, out of the box thinking and next level technologies & practices.
This recognition is testimony to PIET’s continuing efforts to nurture innovation, be it PIET’s Start up Incubation Centre or Super 30 batch or PKAT.
PIET’s committed efforts towards promoting excellence and innovative thinking were clearly visible as it introduced the concept of PKAT. PKAT is PIET’s online aptitude test programme. PKAT stands for PIET Knowledge Aptitude test. This is a unique opportunity for the students who wish to be aspiring educationists. By giving the online test, they get an opportunity to be one of the students of the lucky Super 30 batch that will have their entire education funded by PIET.
The final selection for the Super 30 batch shall be as per a composite matrix based on :-
- P-KAT Online Test Score
- Academic Track
- Extra-Curricular/Sports Achievements
- Project-based Achievements
- Awards
- Social Initiatives
- Leadership Position(s)
- Letter of Recommendations from School Heads/Incharges.
The Super-30 batch shall have their entire education totally aided by PIET where the students get to innovate-ideate and create their own startup ideas at PIET’s Start up Incubation Centre(Biggest in Haryana).

The batch of #Super30 will get to innovate-ideate and then create their own start-ups atPIET’s Startup Incubation Centre –one of the biggest in Haryana. Students will also receive the unique opportunities to work on a variety of emerging technologies such as AI/Blockchain/Data Science/Machine Learning/Robotics/IoT/Cloud Computing/ Big Data/ AR-VR/Electrical Vehicles/ Technical Textile Designing/ 3D Printing/ Business Modelling and so much more in this incubation centre. More than 1000 students have already applied for PKAT and have registered a chance to be selected to be part of Super 30.
To take this leap of faith forward in the innovation space, PIET has created Haryana’s one of the largest incubation centre, where the students will be able to imbibe the practical know-how of their favourite subjects. Students will get a chance to work their minds on the emerging technologies such as AI/Blockchain/Data Science/Machine Learning/Robotics/IoT/Cloud Computing/ Big Data/ AR-VR/Electrical Vehicles/ Technical Textile Designing/ 3D Printing/ Business Modelling and be the pro-genitors of business ideas which can change the industrial environment in the years to come.
Yet another testimony of the fact that, as one of the best engineering colleges in Delhi-NCR, PIET is a nerve centre of ideation and innovation is that their students participated in the prestigious Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2020 and secured three top prizes for their ground-breaking and innovative solutions. SIH is a countrywide project to provide students with a platform to work on solutions for some of the more pressing problems we face in our everyday lives. It encourages a culture of product innovation and engenders problem-solving approach amongst students in India.
PIET offers specialization in emerging technologies along with a B.Tech degree for the students to have an extra edge – specialization in AI/Blockchain/Data Science/Machine Learning/Robotics/IoT/Cloud Computing/ Big Data/ AR-VR/Electrical Vehicles/ Technical Textile Designing/ 3D Printing/Business Modelling has resulted in students getting placed in top tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, TCS, HCL, INTEL, Huawei, and many others, making the institute to have one of the best placements amongst top engineering institutes in Delhi NCR.
PIET is where students are trained as per the evolution in the requirements of the job and is a place to pursue education, which will go beyond the conventional learning and will align students with a thought process that encourages them to become JOB CREATORS and not just JOB SEEKERS.