PIB Press Releases

Mineral Production Records 7.5 per cent growth in June 2022

Cumulative Growth Touches 9 per cent During April-June, 2022-23

The index of mineral production of the mining and quarrying sector for the month of June 2022 (Base: 2011-12=100) at 113.4, was 7.5% higher as compared to the level in the month of June 2021. As per the provisional figures of the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), the cumulative growth for the period April- June 2022-23 over the corresponding period of the previous year has increased by 9.0 per cent. 

The production level of important minerals in June 2022 were: Coal 669 lakh tonnes, Lignite 46 lakh tonnes, and Natural gas (utilized) 2747million cu. m., Petroleum (crude) 24 lakh tonnes, Bauxite 1950 thousand tonnes, Chromite 343 thousand tonnes, Copper conc. 10 thousand tonnes, Gold 85 kg, Iron ore 201 lakh tonnes, Lead conc. 30 thousand tonnes, Manganese ore 238 thousand tonnes, Zinc conc. 142 thousand tonnes, Limestone 335 lakh tonnes, Phosphorite 189 thousand tonnes, Magnesite 8 thousand tonnes, and Diamon 44 carat.

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The production of important minerals showing positive growth during June, 2022 over June, 2021 include: Diamond (340%), Gold (107.3%), Phosphorite (41.0%), Coal (31.1%), Lignite (28.8%), Zinc conc (20.0%), Manganese ore 19.3%), Magnesite (16.6%), Bauxite (8.9%), Chromite (6.5%), Lead conc (4.2%), Limestone 1.6%), and Natural Gas (U) (1.3%). The production of other important minerals showing negative growth includes Petroleum (crude) (-1.7%), Copper conc (-7.2%), and Iron Ore (-9.7%).

Disclaimer : This is an official press release by PIB.

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