Swachhta Saarthi Fellows from across the country attend the Swachhta Saarthi Samaroh 2022

The two-day ‘Swachhta Saarthi Samaroh’ was organised on 30th September and 1st October 2022 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. This event marked the completion of the first year of the Swachhta Saarthi fellowship (SSF) of the Waste to Wealth Mission of the Office of Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Government of India.
Photograph: Swachhta Saarthi Fellows
During the two-day event organized at IIT Delhi, the fellows showcased their work done over the past year in the form of posters/ prototypes/ papers/ presentations/ products in the event exhibition. The Scientific Secretary, O/o Principal Scientific Adviser interacted with the fellows during her visit to the exhibition booths.

Photograph: Scientific Secretary, Office of PSA at the Swachhta Saarthi Samaroh 2022
Apart from the exhibition, different sessions and workshops were also conducted for the students, including a Foldscope Microscopy Workshop for the Category A fellows and a session on Overview of Carbon Credit and Sustainable Future for the Category B & C fellows.
Photograph: Foldscope workshop
On the second day of the event, an excursion to the Nehru Planetarium and the Rashtrapati Bhavan museum was organised for all the SSFs. The visits were followed by the closing ceremony where Mr Vijay Kumar, Head of Operations, Wellbeing Out of Waste (WOW) Program, I.T.C. Limited, felicitated 21 fellows with a fellowship amount of Rs. 5000 each and also provided an opportunity to one fellow to join the WOW programme.

Dr. Bhagwan Singh Chaudhary, Professor, Kurukshetra University, Haryana was the guest of honour for the closing ceremony and specially thanked the Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to GOI for making it possible to get such a heterogenous group of fellows from different age groups, different states to one single platform to enable learning from each other.
During the closing ceremony, Dr Monoranjan Mohanty, Adviser/Scientist ‘G’, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, congratulated all fellows for the wonderful work they have done over the last year and for showcasing various ways to reuse, reduce and recycle waste and converting it into wealth.

Ms Malyaj Varmani, Vice President, Invest India, mentioned that “We encourage and expect our fellows to keep engaging with their communities and be the ambassadors for change, and remain Swachhta Saarthis for life.”
For more details, visit https://www.wastetowealth.gov.in/fellowship-home or email [email protected].
Disclaimer : This is an official press release by PIB.