CERT-In and Power-CSIRTs jointly conduct Cyber Security Exercise “PowerEX-2022”

Theme: “Defending Cyber induced disruption in IT & OT Infrastructure”
Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) in collaboration with Power-CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams in the Power sector), successfully designed & conducted the Cyber Security Exercise “PowerEX” for 193 invited Power Sector Utilities, here yesterday. The Exercise Planner Team of Power-CSIRTs’ officials worked along with the CERT-In team on the exercise day as Exercise Coordinators. The objective of the exercise was to “Recognize, Analyse & Respond to Cyber Incidents in IT & OT Systems”.
The theme of the exercise was “Defending Cyber induced disruption in IT & OT infrastructure”. Exercise “PowerEX” was hosted by CERT-In on its exercise simulation platform. Around 350+ officials from various Power Sector Utilities participated in the event. Exercise “PowerEX” was successful in meeting its objectives and helped the participants to learn, practice and respond to cyber security incidents.
Disclaimer : This is an official press release by PIB.