Expert Committees on Rationalization of Film Media Units and Review of Autonomous Bodies submit report

The Expert Committees on Rationalisation/Closure/Merger of Film Media Units under the aegis of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and on Review of Autonomous Bodies under the Ministry submitted their report to Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shri Prakash Javadekar here today. Chairman of the Committees Shri Bimal Julka was present at the venue and the other members joined via video conference.
The committees were appointed under Shri Bimal Julka for rationalisation and professionalisation of institutes related to film activities. The committee had eight meetings and had recommended specific roadmaps for the development of National Film Development Corporation, Films division, Children’s Film Society of India, Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Directorate of Film Festivals, and National Film Archives of India etc. The committee has found overlapping activities undertaken by multiple institutes and has suggested an umbrella configuration with 4 broad verticals under which institutes should work viz. Production, Festival, Heritage and Knowledge.These verticals would be headed by professionals. The report recommends creation of Film Promotion Fund to fund independent filmmakers for making commercial films.
Hailing the efforts of the committees, the Minister said “The report will not remain in the shelf. I will myself go through the report and discuss about it with my Ministry officials. The recommendations of the reports will be implemented after due diligence”
The Expert Committee on Review of Autonomous Bodies was headed by Shri Bimal Julka had eminent film personalities like Shri Rahul Rawail, Shri A.k. Bir, Shri Shyama Prasad and Shri T.S. Nagabharana as members along with Special Secretary and Financial Advisor (I&B) and Joint Secretary (Films).
The Expert Committee on Rationalisation/Closure/Merger of Film Media Units, also headed by Shri Bimal Julka had Shri Rahul Rawail, Shri A.k. Bir, Shri Shyama Prasad, Shri T.S. Nagabharana, Special Secretary and Financial Advisor (I&B), MD, NFDC, CEO, CFSI, Director, NFAI, Director, DFF, DG, Films Division and Joint Secretary (Films) as members.
The Terms of Reference for Expert Committee on Review of Autonomous Bodies were:
• Review of performance of Film and Television Institute of India(FTII), Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute(SRFTI) and Children’s Film Society of India(CSFI) as per the mandate under their Memorandum of Association. Whether objectives for which these institutes have been set up are being achieved/ any shortcomings and reasons thereof.
• Review of the objectives of these institutes to ascertain of they are still relevant and continue to serve a “public purpose” and to examine whether the public purpose can be served in a more efficient manner by other entities in the Government or the private sector. Whether the nature of the activities is such that these need to be performed only by an autonomous organisation. To suggest whether the Government may consider corporatization, merger, and disengagement by the Government or closure of these institutes.
• Whether user charges are levied at appropriate rates and suggest measures for improvement of revenue generation to make the institution financially self-sufficient in the long run. Also to suggest appropriate price indices for linking the user charges. Review the expenditure incurred by these institutes with a view to bring the operation and cost efficiency in the working.
• Suggest a draft of Memorandum of Understanding to be signed between the Ministry and the Institute on the same lines as done for CPSEs and laying down the performance parameters and road map to carry out the intended course of action.
• Review of effectiveness and transparency in administration in FTII and SRFTI, transparency of procurement system, student grievance redressal mechanism and maintain proper discipline in the campus.
The Expert Committee on Rationalisation/Closure/Merger of Film Media Units had the following terms of reference:
• To review the functioning of NFDC and CFSI
• To recommend whether to close NFDC and CFSI and explore any other alternatives, if required.
• To finalise the nature of the proposal Umbrella Organisation viz. a Government body, a PSU or an autonomous organisation.
• To finalise the mandate of the proposed Umbrella Organisation after reviewing the mandate of all the constituent Media Units.
• To finalise the Organisational structure of the proposed umbrella organisation.