Discussions take place on Draft Ministerial Declaration on three priority areas on the second day of the EWG Meeting from 3rd-5th April 2023 at Guwahati, Assam

The Second three-day Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting under India’s G20 Presidency is underway at Guwahati, Assam. Secretary, of Labour & Employment Ms Arti Ahuja and the G20 EWG Chair, is steering the discussions on Draft Ministerial Declaration covering the three priority areas taken up by the EWG. The Draft Ministerial Declaration was earlier circulated to the G20 member countries and the comments and suggestions that were received have been incorporated into the Draft. This Draft is presently being discussed in the 2nd EWG meeting.
The EWG has a mandate of addressing priority labour, employment and social issues for strong, sustainable, balanced, and job-rich growth for all. The Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE), Government of India is the nodal ministry for the Employment Working Group under the Indian presidency of G20.

The EWG under the Indian Presidency has taken up three priority areas, namely, i). Addressing Global Skill Gaps ii). Gig and Platform Economy, and Social Protection iii). Sustainable Financing of Social Security.
EWG Chair thanked the participants for their contributions to these drafts during the discussions.

The Yoga Stretch break introduced in between the sessions was not only invigorating but was also appreciated by the members.
Disclaimer: This is an official press release by pib.