Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) completes four successful years; initiates systemic and procedural changes to enhance transparency, improve Ease of Doing Business and reduce the compliance burden

Suo-moto investigations of DGTR ensure an equitable space for various stakeholders
The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has initiated several systemic and procedural changes for Enhancing Transparency and Ease of Doing Business, thereby reducing the compliance burden on stakeholders. This has been achieved through an extensive exercise towards simplification of Rules, Processes and Procedures relating to Trade Remedy.
The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) (earlier known as DGAD) was formed on 17th May 2018 as a single national entity dealing with all kinds of Trade Remedial measures (anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguard). The DGTR provides a level playing field to the domestic industry against the unfair trade practices like dumping, subsidization and surge in imports.
DGTR accordingly simplified formats and questionnaires to be filed by Producers/Exporters, Importers, Users and Domestic industries in Trade Remedy investigations by reducing the number of formats, and introducing self-certification by placing trust on stakeholders.
For handholding of Indian Industries especially MSMEs, DGTR introduced the procedure of sampling for domestic producers in the fragmented industries in Anti-dumping/ Countervailing duty investigation.
New avenues have been explored by conducting the Safeguard Quantitative Restrictions investigation, Bilateral Safeguard Investigations, and investigations on a suo-motu basis.
Suo-moto investigations of DGTR ensure an equitable space for various stakeholders
The suo-moto investigations are indeed challenging given the structure of the domestic industry which, therefore, deserves a special mention. These investigations ensure an equitable space for various stakeholders. It is important to note that in 2021-22, final findings were issued in three trade remedy investigations which were initiated on a suo-moto basis after more than 2 decades. Duties have since been imposed in all three cases.
The concept of summary proceedings has been introduced in cases of name change only.
The level playing field provided by the Government based on recommendations made by the DGTR enabled a large number of industries in capacity additions, significant direct & indirect employment protection & generation, continued viable operations, and significant capital investment. The Directorate recommended imposition of anti-dumping duties under the provisions of material retardation to establishment of domestic industry in a large number of products where there was no past history of production in the Country, and new capacities had come up in the country and existence of which was getting threatened because of dumping practices.
DGTR issued revised guidelines for filing Sunset Review applications, and a revised checklist for prima facie scrutiny of applications for completeness of documents.
DGTR proposed Rules for Anti-Absorption provisions in Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty investigations after considering comments of stakeholders on the same. The Rules have been notified by DoR, Ministry of Finance (October 2021)
The Trade Defense Wing (TDW) of DGTR successfully defends the interests of Indian Exporters in AD/CVD investigations
56 Final Findings issued since April 2021 in AD/CVD/SG investigations.
- 35 Investigations initiated since April 2021
- 37 ongoing investigations
The Trade Defense Wing (TDW) of DGTR has been proactively engaged in defending the interests of Indian Exporters in AD/CVD investigations conducted by other WTO member countries against Indian exports. Consultations with investigating authorities of other countries, particularly the USA and EU authorities, are regularly held to explain, reiterate and drive home the Indian standpoint.
An online portal titled ARTIS (Application for Remedies in Trade for Indian industry and other Stakeholders) was launched to facilitate the online filing of applications for trade remedies and was partly operationalized for Original and Sunset Review Application.
A Helpdesk and facilitation centre has been operationalized in DGTR to assist the domestic industry, especially the MSME sector, in filing applications and creating awareness regarding access to the available trade remedy measures.
Disclaimer : This is an official press release by PIB.